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Transformative Healing: Reconstructive Plastic Surgery for Burn Victims

nurse dressing wound for patients hand with burn injury

Burn injuries can be devastating, affecting individuals both physically and emotionally. At HMS Plastic Surgery in Miami, we understand the profound impact that these injuries can have on a person’s life. Our dedicated team is committed to using reconstructive plastic surgery not just to improve the appearance of burn-related scars and deformities but also to enhance movement, function, and overall comfort for our patients.

The Role of Plastic Surgery in Burn Recovery

Reconstructive plastic surgery for burn victims is a complex and delicate process tailored to address the unique challenges presented by each individual case. Our goal is to restore as much normalcy as possible, enabling our patients to move forward with their lives. Here’s how different plastic surgery techniques play a crucial role in the recovery journey:

  1. Skin Grafts: This procedure involves transplanting skin from an unaffected area of the body to the burn site. Skin grafts are vital for covering large wounds, promoting healing, and reducing the risk of infection. By replacing damaged skin, we can improve both the function and the aesthetics of the affected area.
  2. Tissue Expansion: Tissue expansion is a technique used to encourage the body to grow extra skin in an area adjacent to the burn scar. This extra skin can then be used to reconstruct or replace scarred, damaged tissue. Tissue expansion allows for a more natural-looking reconstruction, using the patient’s own skin to improve elasticity and appearance.
  3. Free Flap Procedures: In more severe cases, free flap surgery may be necessary. This involves transferring a section of living tissue—complete with its own blood supply—from one part of the body to another. Free flaps can be used to cover large defects, restore function, and improve the cosmetic outcome of burn-injured areas.
  4. Scar Revision Surgery: Scars from burn injuries can be thick, unsightly, and restrictive. Scar revision surgery aims to reduce the size, improve the texture, and lighten the color of burn scars. By revising and repositioning scars, we can significantly improve mobility in affected areas and enhance the overall appearance.

Why Choose HMS Plastic Surgery in Miami for Burn Reconstruction?

At HMS Plastic Surgery, we combine advanced surgical techniques with compassionate, personalized care. Our board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive experience in treating burn victims and are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes. We understand the physical and emotional challenges that come with recovering from a burn injury, and we are here to support our patients every step of the way.

Our Approach to Patient Care

Our approach to burn reconstruction is holistic and patient-focused. We begin with a thorough consultation to understand the specific needs and goals of each patient. From there, we develop a personalized treatment plan designed to address both functional and cosmetic concerns. Our team provides ongoing support throughout the healing process, ensuring that each patient feels informed, comfortable, and empowered.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Reconstructive plastic surgery can be a transformative step in the journey of recovery for burn victims. It offers a chance not only to heal physically but to regain confidence and improve quality of life. At HMS Plastic Surgery in Miami, we are committed to helping our patients move forward with renewed hope and a positive outlook.

If you or a loved one has suffered from burn injuries, we encourage you to reach out to us. Let HMS Plastic Surgery in Miami be your partner in recovery, helping you achieve the functional improvements and aesthetic results that support your path to healing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey to transformative healing.

Posted on behalf of HMS Plastic Surgery

1166 Kane Concourse
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154

Phone: (786) 857-9788


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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Patients Testimonials

Violet B.
Dr. Salinas has been amazing. He has a way about him that is so genuine and he makes you feel comforted immediately. You develop a faith and trust in him from that, and my experience was excellent. He did my reduction after a lumpectomy and I had no issues at all. Super happy with his work, and always a pleasure to meet. He is excellent at what he does and I highly recommend his work. Thank you Dr. Salinas
valentina z.
My oncologist recommended Dr. Salinas for my bilateral mastectomy reconstruction and I couldn’t be more grateful. He is not only an excellent professional but also a very kind human being. He was patient with all my questions and he made the process very smooth and clear. He took into consideration every detail we discussed during our consults I am very happy with the results!
marcia r.
Dr. Harry Salinas is an absolutely amazing doctor! I am a petite woman and due to menopause, my breast became very large affecting my back, neck and shoulders. Dr. Salinas performed a breast reduction and breast lift surgeon. Dr. Salinas invested a significant amount of time explaining the procedure. He was incredibly accommodating as regards to my schedule. He and his staff were always available for prompt follow up on any questions. The results were far beyond my expectations. My only regret is that I waited so long to have the procedure. Dr. Salinas has changed my life! I highly recommend Dr. Salinas for his skill, professionalism, kindness and good heart!